Since outside service is based on a contract and they get paid by percentage, it is certain that they will fight so hard to collect the last penny of every single claim, compare with in-house biller who is on payroll and by not following up properly their salary won’t get effected at all, nevertheless if you as a physician do not have the knowledge or the time to check your billers accuracy. Using our services means that we assign a group of expert billers that their daily routine is to properly follow-up, call insurance companies, answer patient calls, input all of the patient demographics and most important to make sure that the physician has filled out the superbill correctly.
In compare with in-house biller who can not perform all of the above mentioned duties by themselves to get your money from insurance companies between 2 to 3 weeks. By hiring us, you avoid overstaffing, hiring, training, health insurance cost, worker’s compensation cost social security and other employee benefits. In the event your employee leaves, your billing will also come to a halt until you find the right biller. No more non productive pay to your billing staff such as vacation, sickleave, maternity leave, new employee training—they all take their toll, don’t they. We only charge you a percentage of what we collect from insurance companies, no more non-productive time to pay for. Cost of software, hardware, equipment maintenance and repair, printer and typewriter ribbons, forms, postage and so forth, in-house claims processing is much more costly than you think, compare to an outside billing service.